A lot of stuff is happening in the Megafront office. In our building, the students of PlaygroundSquad (an old friend and customer of Megafront that goes way back) have landed from around the world, and finally, the halls are not being quiet anymore. One big thing is also that we're MOVING!
...Just down the hallway, but still! This is huge to us. We're going from a small office space to a large room with big windows and nice squeaky wooden floors. We LOVE it. And since this sucky pandemic soon will be over, we really hope you guys would like to come over for a visit. We'll buy you cookies and will have the teapot ready.
You guys, our customers, have been our sunshine during this dark, dark pandemic. Without you, there wouldn't be any Megafront (and wouldn't that be a huge bummer?) You're the ones who make us keep going and wanting us to do better and more.